Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I was at an all candidates forum today.

Three major political parties in BC were invited to participate: The Green Party, the BC Liberal Party, and the NDP. Each Party is allowed to send a slate of five candidates to the forum.

Obviously, the BC Liberals has the best slate, with enormous "star power", at the forum, with the Honourable Colin Hansen, Virginia Greene, Wally Oppal (a former judge at the BC Court of Appeal), Carole Taylor (former president of many organizations, including the CBC), and the Honourable Patrick Wong.

The forum was organized by the United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society (S.U.C.C.E.S.S.), Vancouver Multicultural Society, and Canadian Jewish Congress - Pacific Region.

The whole thing was pretty boring - except the very end, when one person at the floor was asking each Party to use "one word" to describe their own Party (which was the last question of the evening.)

The Green went first, and one of their candidates said "Sustainability". Then Virginia Greene of the Liberals said "Leadership".

After that, everybody was waiting for the NDP to give their "word". All five NDP candidates were on the stage, looking at each other and having chit-chats among themselves for about 10 seconds and none of them were able to give the word (I almost though that they were about to have a conference to discuss the question.)

Then Jenny Kwan, one of the two NDP MLAs didn't lose their seats in Election 2001, grab the mic and said "OK, SORRY."

I guess that pretty much sum up the current status of the BC NDP - SORRY!!


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