Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sounds Like a "Poster Boy" to Me......

First, I have to clarify that I am not anti-gay, and I am mainly indifferent on the SSM issue (and slightly leaning on the pro-side). I just don't think it is that big of an issue, and if any two individuals want to get into a marriage, let them do it. I strongly believe that the state (or even other individuals) have no business in the nation's bedroom (one of the very few quotes that I can agree with PET.)

Remember when Brison defected to the Liberals, in 2004, he said that he doesn't want to be the "poster boy for the new Conservative Party on gay issues"?

I can understand where Brison came from when he defected to the Liberals in 2004. In fact, I actively supported him when he ran for the PC Leadership in 2004.

However, the more I look back, the more I think his defection to the Liberals "opportunistic". In fact, I know some friends of mine were asked by Scott, personally, to contribute various amount of money to help him to repay his debt, incurred during the leadership campaign, less than a week before his defection. Those incidences surely sound a little "shady" to me when Scott obviously knew that he won't belong to the Party for much longer!!

Posted AT 9:44 AM EST ON 31/10/06

Brison's not just a politics buff

Globe and Mail Update

Canadians will soon be able to see an unexpected side of Liberal leadership candidate Scott Brison, after a nude calendar he recently posed for is released next week.

The Kings-Hants MP recently posed in the buff for the What Men Are Made Of, a calendar produced by the Women of Wolfville, a Nova Scotia theatre group.

The calendar, which is raising money for prostate and ovarian cancer, will be available throughout the small Nova Scotia community, 100 kilometres north of Halifax, starting next week. The theme of calendar is men doing non-traditional things, like dusting, knitting, and diaper changing.

"Scott was riot," said Wendy Elliott, one of the two members of the Women of Wolfville who produced the calendar. "When I told him the theme, he said 'Oh you mean like thinking.'"

For the local MP's exposé, Ms. Elliott said she thought it would be appropriate to have him looking in the fridge. (His first entrepreneurial achievement was renting fridges to university students.)

"You can see his chest and a line all down his body," she said, adding the MP, who reportedly spends an hour in the gym each day, looks quite buff in the shot.

"It's naked ambition for a good cause," Mr. Brison said in an interview Tuesday morning. "My father had prostate cancer. My uncle died of cancer that began in the prostate but spread. We're not unique to Canadians. Cancer research is a cause that's very close my heart."

Mr. Brison isn't concerned about how posing in the buff may adversely effect his leadership bid.

"I think I was less exposed than Bob Rae was on Rick Mercer," he said, alluding to a skinny dipping skit the former Ontario premier and Liberal leadership hopeful performed with the CBC comedian.

It's not the first time the community has put together a nude calendar. Last year, the Women of Wolfville put out of a one of local women, the oldest being 90 years old. The group raised $12,000 with that calendar and hope to do better this year, after learning a valuable lesson from a British documentary on nude community calendars, which have been made famous by the film Calendar Girls.

"What really works is selling men, because you have two markets," she said. "So we thought, we'll give it a whirl."

Mr. Brison, who is gay, reportedly joked during the shoot that is was the first time he'd undressed in front of women in a while.

But, Mr. Brison isn't the only local politician to strip down for the calendar. Wolfville's mayor Robert Stead and another town councillor also took it off for the camera, Ms. Eliott said.

The What Men Are Made Of calendar will be available next Wednesday for $20 each, but Ms. Elliott said it may be difficult to get the calendar outside of Wolfville.

"I haven't really thought that one through yet," she said. "I'm willing to give Scott's picture to anybody and everybody next week, because I don't want my phone ringing off the hook."

But it may be the only chance for those wishing to see a more cheeky side of Mr. Brison, because he said standing in front of an open refrigerator door for 15 minutes during the shoot without the benefit clothing has put a chill on any further nude modelling ambitions.

"I'm glad it wasn't a full frontal," he said. "I don't see any repeat performances in the near future. Nude modelling hasn't yet become a passion for me."

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