This maybe a bit late, but here are my 2 cents on Turner joining the Grits........
I never hated Turner for being outspoken or even being a maverick when he was a Conservative. Of course, I believe caucus confidentiality is more important than being outspoken at times. After all, there are always some discussions that are not suitable for the mass-media consumption.
Now, I don't have problems with MP crossing the floor either. If they choose to do so, they better be able to live with the consequences.
My problem with Turner is that he ripped apart those who crossed the floor, and now he committed "the crime" himself.
Well, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
How can he justify that he is different from the others? Why is he so special, that he doesn't have to comply with the standard he set for others (i.e. resign and run in a by-election)?
Either Turner is a hypocrite (that does not believe in what he said) or he is so arrogant that he doesn't give a damn about his constituents.
Please enlighten me if you have another theory.