Thursday, June 22, 2006

This is the Right Thing to Do!!

All I have to say is this is a good day for all Canadians - especially Chinese Canadians.

Some of you may not agree that this is a right thing to do for the government of the day, but I am ready to debate any of you who think the otherwise.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

This is Big for the Sask Party

Another big set back for the Saskatchewan Liberals. Norris was a solid candidate for the Liberals in the last provincial election.

Brad Wall is coming strong, and he will be the next Premier of Saskatchewan.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hong Kong Bus Uncle Grumpy Man with English Subtitles

This video has been one of the hottest clips in Hong Kong and the surrounding region.

It is even on Wikipedia.

There are articles on the New York Times and the Guardian (UK) as well.