Thursday, April 28, 2005

STV or Not?

Some of you may not know, but the up-coming BC provincial election has a "referendum" question other than just electing the provincial government for the next four years.

British Columbians are asked if we should change the electoral system, from the First Past the Post to the Single Transferable Vote system.

Here is a link on all the details about the change:

I would like to know what you think of this referendum.

This is an interesting article, written by Norman Spector, in January:

Here is a link from the "Yes" campaign:

Personally, I agree with Spector. I think he made some very good arguments.

Monday, April 25, 2005

BC Liberals Platform

This is one of the best graphically designed political literature that I have ever seen!!


This is funny!!

Also, this would be fun to use in a political phone bank:

Friday, April 22, 2005

Welcome to BC Politics!!

Heads have already started rolling......

From the CBC:

NDPer quits over Milosevic comments

Last Updated: Apr 22 2005 03:45 PM PDT

VANCOUVER - The NDP candidate in Chilliwack-Kent has pulled out of the race over his comments about accused war criminal Slobodan Milosevic.

Rollie Keith had told a Vancouver newspaper that the war crimes case against Milosevic was being exaggerated by "biased media."

The retired Canadian military officer who served as a UN observer in Kosovo in the 1990s also said he never saw any evidence of genocide involving Milosevic.

The 69-year-old Keith, who is a historian, met Milosevic while he served as a UN observer in Kosovo in the 1990s. And he testified as a defence witness at Milosevic's trial at the Hague.

Earlier in the day, NDP Leader Carole James had said she didn't agree with Keith's views – but said she wouldn't ask for his resignation.

But she has since changed her mind. She says she didn't ask Keith to resign, but does say he did the right thing by stepping down.

Keith, who has run and lost twice before provincially, was running against incumbent Liberal Barry Penner He has also run twice unsuccessfully for the federal NDP.

Copyright © 2005 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - All Rights Reserved

Stupid trouble for the NDP!!

Is this guy, Rollie Keith, stupid or what???

By the way, why does the NDP call themselve the "New NDP" (read - the "New New Democratic Party) when 17 of their current candidates ran in the last election, and 10 are former MLAs, with 8 failed federal NDP candidates...etc.

NDP candidate met Milosevic for coffee

Friday, April 22, 2005

VANCOUVER -- New Democrat Leader Carole James says she's pleased with the work of one of her NDP candidates, despite his connection to an alleged war criminal.

James says Rollie Keith will still run as an NDP candidate in the Chilliwack-Kent riding.

That's despite Keith's comment yesterday that he was "quite impressed" with former Yugoslavian president Slobodan Milosevic.

Milosevic is on trial for war crimes in the Hague, facing 66 charges, including genocide and ethnic cleansing.

James says she fundamentally disagrees with Keith's comments but says they were based on his personal military experiences in the country and they don't interfere with public policy.

Keith testified last year in Milosevic's defence at his trial and apparently met with him twice over coffee in his UN jail cell.

James was campaigning at a Vancouver college this morning, and once again promised the NDP would freeze tuition.

© 2005

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Getting on the campaign trail!!

Well, I will be on the campaign trail - in Vancouver - for the next three and a half weeks. Will try to share some good stories whenever I have time to put something up.

Should be fun!!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Well, I don't think I'll be posting much in the next 8 days, as exams and papers are piling up.

Will be back in mid-April.